mercoledì 29 novembre 2023

Something else to say about feminicides...

Recently I decided to read The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
I was uncertain, but as soon as I started I had confirmation once again that this man was born to write!
He is absolutely a brilliant and intense story teller.

In this period, damned full of horrible and unforgivable "feminicides", I refreshed my spirit by reading the magnificent words that Dumas used to describe the love story between Maximilien Morrel and Valentine de Villefort.
 There are words that, despite obeying the traditions and conventions of those times, so poetically describe the feelings, respect and veneration for the beloved woman that they make me dream of a better world again.

 Thanks to literature, in this case.
 This gives me another confirmation:

 An education based on art, culture and understanding of beauty is a fundamental point of reference for the healthy personal growth of people, especially men!...
 Thank you women for being the inspiration of this planet to me.
 You have succeeded once again, inspiring words for you in this wonderful novel.
 I hope soon to find a melody of new music worthy of these words.
 With immense respect.

martedì 28 novembre 2023

A different Christmas' gift ...

Celebrate Christmas with a unique gift!

Explore my collection of CDs specially designed for classical dance lessons. 
Make the holiday season special with the beauty of music. 

Visit the website and discover the "gift" option for each downloadable CD. 
Dance meets melody – the perfect gift for music and dance enthusiasts!

giovedì 23 novembre 2023

Le "Scuole Artistiche" punto di riferimento per una nuova rinascita culturale della società

Appello a favore dei Divulgatori di Bellezza e di Cultura indirizzato alle generazioni politiche presenti e future...

Lasciateli lavorare!

C'è ancora speranza per una società più felice? Con dei giovani più consapevoli di loro stessi e delle loro azioni?
Si, ma lasciate lavorare al meglio coloro che divulgano bellezza e cultura! 
Agevolate e supportare tutti gli operatori di scuole di danza, scuole di musica, scuole di teatro, create cori scolastici obbligatori permanenti, potenziate la formazione umanistica, artistica e filosofica nella scuola! 
Cambiate le regole!

Di ché avete paura?  

Come fareste senza questi divulgatori di cultura e bellezza? Che società avremmo? Pensate di non averne bisogno? 
Non siete abbastanza disgustati dalle continue notizie negative che vedono coinvolti tanti giovani? E non solo.

Lasciateli lavorare...

Nei loro contesti di insegnamento si apprende il senso della fatica e dell'impegno, la condivisione del lavoro, la capacità di ispirare ed essere ispirati, la disciplina, l'ardente desiderio di realizzare un sogno, e ancora si apprende come ascoltare, come muovere il proprio corpo, come comunicare, come capire e a farsi capire. Si insegna a stare insieme.

Lasciateli lavorare...

Ci sono tanti giovani che sono consapevoli della loro crescita personale attraverso la bellezza e la cultura, ma ce ne sono troppi che sembrano persi nel vuoto interiore, affogati in una società iper tecnologica, che attraverso l'imposizione del culto dei "like" a tutti i costi, li illude in continuazione fornendo loro solo mezzi per vivere una vita facile, spesso completamente alterata, e gestibile con pochissimo sforzo, una vita irreale.

Purtroppo a volte anche i genitori cadono in questa trappola. Alcuni dimenticando il dovuto rispetto per questi divulgatori e per la cultura che trasmettono. 
Al contrario, si sentono in diritto di contestarli perché propongono ai loro figli alcuni "sforzi" per ottenere dei risultati seri e duraturi.
Dovrebbero darsi personalità dei ragazzi si costruisce attraverso il lavoro e la fatica che portano alla soddisfazione personale per i risultati raggiunti, non con le "ipercoccole" e con la iperprotezione incondizionata!

La tecnologia, la cultura e la crescita personale devono avanzare allo stesso livello, ma senza cultura, senza conoscenza la tecnologia da sola può essere fuorviante.

Tramite i divulgatori di bellezza e cultura si può tentare di riequilibrare questi livelli, potenziare i valori più sani ed avere una società più evoluta e raffinata, dove il concetto più alto di bellezza ha il valore maggiore. 

Volete tentare di reimpostare l'evoluzione della persona su questo valori? Volete far comprendere ai giovani il senso del sogno e del lavoro per realizzarlo? 
Volete avere una società di persone capaci di trovare la felicità dentro di sé e non fuori?

Allora lasciateli lavorare...non aspettate maledizione!
Lasciateli lavorare...
#bellezza #cultura #rispetto #ispirazione #sogno #letteratura #musica #danza #arte #libri #concerti #balletti

mercoledì 22 novembre 2023

About a "strange artistic category: the Ballet Pianist"

There is a special category of pianists in the artistic world...
 It is difficult to find precise wording for this category. In English they get by easily with "Ballet Pianists", in Italian I like "Maestro al Pianoforte per la Danza Classica"

These artists only need a moment to get excited... they play the most beautiful music possible, with the maximum energy, with the maximum delicacy, with the maximum intensity and they look, observe the dancers, their movements and their reactions, they also search in their faces and in their eyes the same emotions, the same sensations, the same vital rhythm that they put into the music when they play.

And the moment they understand that one, even just one dancer is with them, perfectly interpreting through movements the atmosphere of the music they are playing, they read in his/her eyes that an exchange of inspiration is finally being created, they are overwhelmed with emotion. and enthusiasm, and they think that perhaps even today it was worth it...

 World Piano Teachers' Day Project for Classical Dance:
 October 9, 2024.
 World Ballet Pianists Day
 #balletpianist #pianists #music #inspiration #dance #ballet #maestroalpianoforte

martedì 21 novembre 2023

The world needs more music...

In a world filled with chaos and division, there is something that has the power to bring people together – music. It is a universal language that transcends boundaries and speaks to our souls. We need more music in our lives to help us become better individuals and create a better world.

Music has the ability to inspire, uplift, and unite us. It has the power to move us emotionally, to make us reflect, and to help us understand others in a deeper way. With its melodies and lyrics, music can touch our hearts, ignite our passions, and remind us of our shared humanity.

More music means more opportunities for self-expression and creativity. Whether through listening, singing, playing an instrument, or composing, music allows us to communicate parts of ourselves that cannot be put into words. It encourages us to think outside the box, to challenge our own limitations, and to embrace our unique voices.

Music education is essential, as it instills discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. Learning to play an instrument or sing in a choir fosters important skills that go beyond music itself. It teaches us the value of practice, dedication, and collaboration – skills that are vital for success in any aspect of life.

Moreover, music has the ability to bring people from different backgrounds together, fostering understanding, unity, and empathy. When we listen to music from other cultures, we expand our horizons and gain a deeper appreciation for diversity. This newfound understanding can dispel stereotypes, break down barriers, and promote love and acceptance.

In a world where stress and anxiety are prevalent, music acts as a therapeutic tool that can heal and soothe our souls. It has the power to relax our minds, lift our spirits, and restore a sense of calm. It allows us to take a moment to disconnect from the noise and find solace within ourselves.

So let us embrace music and all its magic. Let us seek out new melodies, explore different genres, and support local artists. Let us encourage music education in schools and communities, recognizing its tremendous benefits. And most importantly, let us use the power of music to spread love, understanding, and unity, making the world a better place for all.

martedì 7 novembre 2023

My music for my dog...

I'm a composer, and I recently completed a heartfelt album of piano pieces dedicated to my beloved dog Charlie, who passed away some time ago. Many people might wonder, is it possible to compose music inspired by the bond with a pet? Absolutely.

For me, Charlie was not just a pet, but a cherished member of my family. His presence brought immense joy and comfort into my life. After he passed away, I found solace and inspiration in the memories we shared. These emotions became the driving force behind my compositions.

Music has this incredible ability to capture the essence of our emotions and experiences. Through each note, I poured my love, gratitude, and even the sorrow of losing Charlie. The melodies and harmonies in the album represent the beautiful moments we shared, the unconditional love he gave, and the profound impact he had on my life.

Composing this album was a cathartic experience, allowing me to express the depth of my feelings for Charlie. It is a tribute to his memory, a musical homage to the bond we shared, and a way for others to connect with the unique and unconditional love that exists between humans and their pets.

In the end, the answer is clear: yes, it is not only possible but also incredibly meaningful to compose music inspired by the relationship with a beloved pet. Through music, we can immortalize the special connections we have with our animal companions, reminding the world of the profound impact they leave on our hearts.

mercoledì 1 novembre 2023

The World Ballet Pianists Day

The World Ballet Pianists Day

Dear friends and colleagues,
I would like to announce an important project that I have been working on for a long time: 
The creation of "World Ballet Pianists Day"!

After a long historical and musical research, trying to find the official first "Ballet Pianist" of the ballet classes history (almost impossible because there are no clear information about that after the violin era), I found a high level solution: the birth anniversary of a great pianist, Alexander Siloti.

Why Siloti?

He was one of the pioneering concert pianists closely associated with dance, particularly with Tchaikovsky, owing to their familial ties. Tchaikovsky was his Harmony teacher and asked Siloti to write the piano version of Sleeping Beauty, so the first printed edition appeared in 1899.

Siloti is a very important artistic reference for our work because he wrote the first professional transcriptions of famous ballets, (another great one is Glazunov's Raymonda, as well as Mozart's Idomeneo ballet music). 
Siloti was also the cousin of Rachmaninoff (that transcribed the Sleeping Beauty for 4 hands).

At the beginning of the collaboration between pianists and dance world, Siloti epitomized the perfect blend of a traditional pianist and one working in the dance world.

The chosen date is his birth anniversary: October 9, 1863 (Gregorian calendar)

There is ample time to organize various initiatives for this significant event, crucial for all generations of ballet pianists who have shaped the history of music for dance. We are the true pillars of dancers' artistic education, often authors of splendid compositions.

This dedicated day is a tribute to Ballet Pianists, because they are an incredibly unique artistic category of pianists. 
Without them and their music, the world of dance would not be the same, losing the beacons of his inspiration.